Tuesday, August 31, 2010


TWC week 3

To begin with this week’s session, the idea of a linear industrialization had led me to ponder on the past industrialization strategy versus to today’s strategy of a cyclical industrialization. In the past, the use of linear development had a great setback, an opportunity cost. Although it provided us economic well-being, it was at the cost of our environmental well-being; be it pollution, loss of natural recourses, climate changes etc… Because of the failure to take into considerations of these externalities, our society today had created a change. The new creation of a cyclical industrial approach considered the ends and the means of the industrialization process. It took into consideration of the externalities and accounted for, for the environmental impact. This aims to provide a sustainable industrialize development without reducing the options for our future generations.

Our discussions had talked on how the development and application of industrialization had first come about, how industrialization is seen to be an important engine for growth of developing countries today. The idea of “advantages of backwardness” showed me how countries had actually been able be to capitalize on industrialization at the later game to expand its growth much rapidly, efficiently and effectively. For example:

Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea 5%

Malaysia 6%

India and China 12%

In my opinion, I feel that industrialization definitely plays an important role as an engine of growth for countries if not we would not have become what we are today. So ultimately the key factor would be Industrialization and its implications. There will definitely be implications and I must say that even new innovations today will somehow or rather have a negativity impact.

Interestingly, the term aqua-ponics had led to much controversy on its feasibility in the society. I find that this innovation does play an important role in saving the environment, renewing resources to beautify the greenery does sounds great. However, as to reality I feel that the probability of implementing of such innovation might not happen in the near future.

The most memorable part of the class today was the youtube video regarding on the beer advertisement. Although the ultimate goal is for our benefit, yet again, we should look at it in another perspective; if such innovation were to actually exist, what are the drawbacks?

The term Wei Ji in mandarin means when there is danger, there will be opportunities. Thus, another point to note: “Great dangers bring about immense opportunities”.

Invention, the first step leading to innovation is always a tough process. Going through validation, marketing strategies may or may not increase your value proposition and thus affecting your level of risk.

Question raised on innovation being technology or market driven? At the end of the day, it all boils down to the organization’s business model. If they are desperate for market share, be more market driven and vice versa.

Lastly, I feel that the way GOOGLE has based their strategies, innovations; corporate culture etc… which has made them so well positioned today is actually something meaningful for our learning platform for all of us to learn.

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