Thursday, October 21, 2010

Session 9 – Emerging and Future Technologies

Session 9 – Emerging and Future Technologies
This week session was to understand the potential emerging and future technologies which will become the next hype. The topic is very interesting as it makes people wonder what technologies are the next big things. Will it follow the trend of IPhones where everyone thought nothing much of it at the beginning phase? Will Microsoft Xbox 360 kinects be the next most sought for gaming device by the consumers? I reckon it will because of its stunning design, unique interface experience and the quirky features. I am not sure about you, but it will definitely tempt me to purchase it.
The video prof showed the class on plastic logic showed us how plastics would be used in the future can be. This actually triggers my mind that this technology is somewhat already in place during my primary school time. One example is the use of bendable plastic ruler that works quite similar to this technology, that when it is in contact with a hard object, it will bend to form a circular shape and it can re-shaped back into a straight ruler again. Plastic logic technology is something that’s quite fresh, easily to understand and simple to use.
When it comes to emerging and future technologies, imagination plays a crucial role because we are only limited to what we know.
Another imaginative video shown was on claytronics – an example of how malleable the future can be. Where we could actually shape our products into what we want, from an imagination to reality.
I feel that augmented reality would be far more sought for as compared to virtual reality. Why? Because augmented reality improvises and enhances our real life experiences, it makes things done simpler, easily, faster and much more efficient. Although virtual reality too has its advantages, the tangible feel to it lacks some importance to our live.
I found an article from the readings material that discussed on the issues of design technology. Basically, it gives an overview of how mobile computing has evolved over the years, till today’s fanciful laptops. In the past, product’s specifications and features are considered to be the first glance consumers seek to purchase while the designs are not mandatory. However, it has drastically changed the purchasing phase, where product designs are increasingly becoming an important aspect together with its specifications during purchase.
Another interesting issue from the readings is the idea of “Grey goo” and “Green Goo”. FYI, more information could be found on this site:
Basically, the debate about the new NANO threat of the future; “Green Goo” is becoming a more apparent threat as compared to “Gray Goo”. This term is the meaning of self-replicating machines populating the planet. “Green goo” is just how biology is used to create new materials and new artificial life forms. The risks from green goo demand the most urgent foresight and caution because with nanobiotech, researchers have the power to create completely new organisms that have never existed on Earth – an aspect mentioned in the report.
In summary, our future technologies can be expected to be somewhat mind blowing. To end off, I would like to share a video regarding on Pen PC. That’s right, a Personal computer Pen. Who knows, laptop may become obsolete in the future: . Enjoy!

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