Tuesday, November 2, 2010

WEEK 12: Session 11. Group Web Report Presentation.

WEEK 12: Session 11. Group Web Report Presentation.

This week sessions had a different kick start as compared to the usual sessions.
Firstly, the group SMUrbans covered quite in detailed the case study of urban planning in Singapore. I liked the idea where they gave a brief introduction of themselves and with the addition of quotes by each.
Secondly, the group Below 196 covered on the different viewpoints of Cryonics, and led the class to wonder if cryonics is really path immortality? Upon my first visit to the website, it gives users a feeling of interactive approach.
Thirdly, group Architechs covered on the technology of architecture and gave some great ideas on the future of buildings architect. The website is easy to navigate and the report is has substantial points in it which gives us the insights of technology of architectures.
Lastly, group TingTongs, brought us through the changes of music, in terms of technology and world change, and the problem of piracy was raised. And because piracy is a difficult process to be eliminated, one good example the group mentioned was how companies should think of ways to ride on the waves of piracy rather than opposing against it.

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