Tuesday, November 2, 2010

WEEK 12: Session 11. Group Web Report Presentation.

WEEK 12: Session 11. Group Web Report Presentation.

This week sessions had a different kick start as compared to the usual sessions.
Firstly, the group SMUrbans covered quite in detailed the case study of urban planning in Singapore. I liked the idea where they gave a brief introduction of themselves and with the addition of quotes by each.
Secondly, the group Below 196 covered on the different viewpoints of Cryonics, and led the class to wonder if cryonics is really path immortality? Upon my first visit to the website, it gives users a feeling of interactive approach.
Thirdly, group Architechs covered on the technology of architecture and gave some great ideas on the future of buildings architect. The website is easy to navigate and the report is has substantial points in it which gives us the insights of technology of architectures.
Lastly, group TingTongs, brought us through the changes of music, in terms of technology and world change, and the problem of piracy was raised. And because piracy is a difficult process to be eliminated, one good example the group mentioned was how companies should think of ways to ride on the waves of piracy rather than opposing against it.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Session 10: Technology Assessment and Forecasting

Session 10: Technology Assessment and Forecasting
Technology Assessment and Forecasting as prof has mentioned, it is technique of analysis based on past and current trends of technologies used as a platform to be forecasted for the future. And can be a measure for societies to pre-empt any negative circumstances expected to happen from the problems societies are creating today.
The video prof showed us in class about Siemens megatrends clearly depicts that their assessment and forecasting for the future by 2025 is from the challenges we are actually facing currently. Be it for solutions for water, mobility, industry, healthcare, safety & security as well as power will become applicable. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1qh2nLddKs . Basically, I feel that this advertising provides us with the developing mind-fame of the future and what we expected to happen next.
Technology assessment and forecasting can be said as a method to leverage on technology innovation.
Some of the sectors of national importance being focused are the Agriculture, Agro- food processing, Health, Bioprocess & Bio-products, Automobile, Education and SMEs. And often, using global trends to track the future would have the opportunity cost between costs and benefits. An example of the cost might be losing economies of scale, while benefits would be achieving a healthier environment. With all that said, we might be wondering why the use of technology and forecasting? Let’s have a look at what are the drivers to it.
a)      The exponential growth in the range of new technologies with potential world changing significance.
b)      And this leads to the need understand  the implications of new technological innovations in terms of economic, social, ethical/legal, environmental as well as other terms.
c)       Thus, prioritizing the key important aspects when it comes to R&D of new innovations and technologies as well as with the limited resources (especially in developing countries).
One of the readings covers on the perspective of futurology. Futurology is defined as a scientific method of predicting the future. It tells us that we need to understand factors that affect our present because they are expected to shape things and events in the future. So why engage in futurology? This is because there is a concern for the future hence there is an attempt to predict it, and this involves techniques and methodologies which is quite scientific. One key takeaway point would be: there are many creative and inventive dreamers in the past that had realized their dreams. An example would be how Leonardo Da Vinci who visualized many inventive gadgets and contraptions that belonged to the future.
Consequently, there are differences as well as similarities between futurologist and science-fiction writers. Science-fiction writers visualize the future, creating situations and scenarios that are probable to happen. However, futurologists try to predict and invent the future, looking at the possible scenarios, seeking the most desirable point of view of larger segments of society and take proactive measures to make the particular scenario happen. However, the methods cannot be totally logical or scientific, only at best be heuristic.  Science-fiction sometimes is a result of individual efforts, while futurology is a collective effort of thinking people. 
Ideally, futurology is not exactly a science although the intentions of is to make it scientific as possible. They just offer the best option for the direction of things to happen. Lastly, there are current concerns of futurology to consider too; relating to global concerns – national concerns – concerns that are firm-specific. Therefore then relevancy of this aspect is important to nations and economies are concerned with the macro-picture and the need to scan the future for the emerging trends in various phase.
In summary to the end of this session, here is an interesting video for our reference of what technology assessment and forecasting has been changing over the years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2nqWkwbWqs.  And another video relates on the effective forecasting of the desired and the likely: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-eTGJbCnkE.
Adding on, where we are today for “cloud” computing is still fresh and in danger of becoming diluted and meaningless. The next video will show how cloud computing are used today and how technological assessment and forecasting will be a platform in provide the technology and management pitfalls that are unaware. Thus, creating an opportunity for maximizing the business value of cloud computing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrxLm945JGY .

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Session 9 – Emerging and Future Technologies

Session 9 – Emerging and Future Technologies
This week session was to understand the potential emerging and future technologies which will become the next hype. The topic is very interesting as it makes people wonder what technologies are the next big things. Will it follow the trend of IPhones where everyone thought nothing much of it at the beginning phase? Will Microsoft Xbox 360 kinects be the next most sought for gaming device by the consumers? I reckon it will because of its stunning design, unique interface experience and the quirky features. I am not sure about you, but it will definitely tempt me to purchase it.
The video prof showed the class on plastic logic showed us how plastics would be used in the future can be. This actually triggers my mind that this technology is somewhat already in place during my primary school time. One example is the use of bendable plastic ruler that works quite similar to this technology, that when it is in contact with a hard object, it will bend to form a circular shape and it can re-shaped back into a straight ruler again. Plastic logic technology is something that’s quite fresh, easily to understand and simple to use.
When it comes to emerging and future technologies, imagination plays a crucial role because we are only limited to what we know.
Another imaginative video shown was on claytronics – an example of how malleable the future can be. Where we could actually shape our products into what we want, from an imagination to reality.
I feel that augmented reality would be far more sought for as compared to virtual reality. Why? Because augmented reality improvises and enhances our real life experiences, it makes things done simpler, easily, faster and much more efficient. Although virtual reality too has its advantages, the tangible feel to it lacks some importance to our live.
I found an article from the readings material that discussed on the issues of design technology. Basically, it gives an overview of how mobile computing has evolved over the years, till today’s fanciful laptops. In the past, product’s specifications and features are considered to be the first glance consumers seek to purchase while the designs are not mandatory. However, it has drastically changed the purchasing phase, where product designs are increasingly becoming an important aspect together with its specifications during purchase.
Another interesting issue from the readings is the idea of “Grey goo” and “Green Goo”. FYI, more information could be found on this site: http://www.wired.com/medtech/health/news/2004/07/64235
Basically, the debate about the new NANO threat of the future; “Green Goo” is becoming a more apparent threat as compared to “Gray Goo”. This term is the meaning of self-replicating machines populating the planet. “Green goo” is just how biology is used to create new materials and new artificial life forms. The risks from green goo demand the most urgent foresight and caution because with nanobiotech, researchers have the power to create completely new organisms that have never existed on Earth – an aspect mentioned in the report.
In summary, our future technologies can be expected to be somewhat mind blowing. To end off, I would like to share a video regarding on Pen PC. That’s right, a Personal computer Pen. Who knows, laptop may become obsolete in the future: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTxVw8WYrcg . Enjoy!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Energy and World Change: Past, Present, Future

Energy and World Change: Past, Present, Future
Considering some of the world’s industrial change in the use of energy as compared from the past till present to future, we see the result of many other solutions towards the use of energy for global climate, pollutions for better environmentally benefits today. In the past, industries (Transportation, medical, agriculture and manufacturing) have been on a hot and cold trend towards the use of alternative energy measures for natural resources. 
So why has the use of alternative energy become more feasible as compared in the past? One factor we can consider, “If global warming was never an issue, will environmentally production and innovation exist?” I would believe so. Because even without these issues, the products of new and innovation of alternative energy will still come about – take for example the use of simple mirrors in directing sun light’s energy to create heat as a source of energy.
Foreseeing the next industrial revolution – it will be expecting a shift from current unsustainable fossil fuel based energy market to a more renewable energy alternative based market . And who knows, nuclear energy may become the next big thing.
Let’s take a further step in the analysis, are we facing an energy crisis, or is there a crisis of ignorance. I would agree that there is a crisis of ignorance. Here is a video to share; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fVI3BRBC6o&feature=related. It relates to issues on how today global renewable energy is potential remains abundant and only if we CHOOSE to use it, it will be an advantage for us. No doubt we are using minority of road to renewable energy. Some examples such as Stabilize population growth and enhance trade, cooperation and peace etc... Considering the fact that even without new technologies, it is already possible of us to take a step out of out hidden shell to face this problem of renewable usage only if we were to choose for, given today’s advancements.
Another interesting video I would like to share is how public media is able to be a popular platform for engaging a global public concern, and through educating them and moving them into action might be a creative way to help change the demand and supply for renewable resources. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-hzUGFD-Gc&feature=related
This video link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5urRA-nypkM&feature=related also introduced the various types of renewable resources extensively with some great examples for our knowledge.
In the recent years, there have been other drivers which contributed to Global Energy Change too. Some of the examples are listed as follows:
ü  Rapidly rising energy prices
ü  Rising energy consumption and need for economic development– dealing with inequities )
ü  Need for sustainability (given environmental impact of energy)- Renewable Energy Sources
ü  New technologies and approaches
·         energy conserving technologies – increasing energy efficiency (energy/GDP)
·         Pollution prevention/reduction technologies

However, such changes bring about limitations too. One key issue that is important is the energy security. There are a number of concerns and fears for oil and other fossil fuel depletion (peak oil, etc), our reliance on foreign sources of energy, the rise of geopolitics (such as supporting dictatorships, rising terrorism, “stability” of nations that supply energy). Energy needs of poorer countries, and demands from advancing developing countries such as China and India. Economic efficiency versus population growth debate as well as environmental issues, in particular climate change.
One issue that Prof brought up was on: What will the Middle Eastern countries do with the wealth they generate from petroleum? Middle Eastern counties have been investing into other areas of developments with their wealth of petroleum, and failed to consider the fact that their resources depletes one day. This means more needs to be done on renewable resources.
It is seen that dung is another renewable resource. But will society accept the fact that dung is being use as a renewable energy? I doubt everyone will agree with using dung; however I have came across a video that showed the locals in South Asia, they are open to the concept of using cows’ dung as renewable energy; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JU8Os3yNEI, it can be burned as fuel to cook with. In fact, the idea of dung as a renewable actually works well if only we choose to use it. Thus, the I feel that dung would be a feasible approach for renewable since it will never deplete and why not capitalize this in areas of technological which do not affect human’s negativity views.
From the readings, the worldenergy.org described that the pursuit of energy sustainability should involved in energy policy making that has to meet multiple highlights of – economic development, national security, social welfare, and environmental protection needs to be governed by principles relating to long term energy sustainability. It shows that many countries are pursuing energy sustainability through ambitious and versatile programmes.
However, there are few implications for policymakers, such as rebalance strategic ambitions in light of energy sustainability goals – requires a transparent consideration of policy trade-offs, the develop policy frameworks that are sufficiently flexible that is able to respond both to strategic market disruption and tactical developments in fast moving areas (renewable energy installations) and reducing construction lead times and ensure the reliable connection of new generation assets to transmission grids. There is also a need to pre-empt potential issues in the implementation of policies and to reduce the likelihood of hesitancy about polices. The effect of enhancing stakeholder engagement and securing greater acceptance for critical energy sector transformations is an important stage to review on too.
Apart from that, energy industry needs to cope with long term disruptive changes in resource availability and the likelihood of significant regulatory impacts, policy priorities and more volatile commodity markets as well as exploring with government how the risks of major investments can be reduced, resulting in lower costs for consumers.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

WEEK 8 - Recess Week

From youtube, chance upon a quite interesting video i want to share. Visit this link to see how "Entrepreneurs can change the world": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6MhAwQ64c0&feature=related.

It shows on how we should take the initative to make the change for the next generations. Also, embarking to change the world is never an impossible mission.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

TWC Week 7 - BioBusiness Revolution: Agribiology, Environmental Life Sciences and Industrial Biotechnology

TWC Week 7 - BioBusiness Revolution: Agribiology, Environmental Life Sciences and Industrial Biotechnology 

This week’s session was focus on the Agribiology, Environmental Life Sciences and Industrial Biotechnology similar to that of last week’s topic.
The future on agricultural biotechnology is predicted to be generating huge benefits to the society. Before we prove this point, let us look at the possible pros and cons of this prospect.

The rise of the new generation of farmers called the farmists is expected to be more knowledgeable with skills equipped to work effectively with technology. And this will replace the way of the traditional farming methods, which will inevitably eradicate the problem of slow and poor agricultural farming. However, the problem still lies in the issue of the outcome of the traditional farmers.  Will traditional farmers lose the rights to farming as compared to farmists? Are traditional farmers provided with the means to self improving to the level of farmists?  Although there are potential job aspects in the farming industry, farmers’ rights should be protected and IPR given should not be too unfair towards the parties involved.
The idea of our choice of genetic modifications or not ultimately depends on our own personal interests, the demand and supply of the market.  Even though most of us are consuming GM food unknowingly,, till date it have been proven that there have not much side effects  from such consumption. However, how are we suppose to judge the term “long” to have the negative effects to take place like in comparison to the effects of being diagnose with cancer. This is still the ultimate considering factor for us to ponder on.  On the whole, I feel that the consumption of GM is fine as long as there is no substantial evidence to prove that it does actually threatens the lives of human beings.
On environmental and industrial life sciences, more could be done on the waste management and industrial enzymes. One interesting issue discussed during class was the process of management in waste into food consumption for human and animals. I feel that this is an unfeasible plan, why? Let us just recap on the feasibility of NEwater. Although the fundamental solutions are implemented, the effectiveness of the implementation is not recognized.
Another notion is the problem of food scarcity due to the increasing population over the supply of food.  Therefore, GM technologies are definitely needed to curb and solve the problem of food security as compared to the traditional methods. In addition, economic, social, political leaders should play their part in encouraging and educating to ensure the measures are provided for and enforced.
From reading 4, it concludes that both conventional technology and biotechnology are needed in order to meet the increasing rise in population demands. Besides having developments at lower production costs; it also has important environmental advantage such as developing cereal varieties with greater tolerance for soil alkalinity, free aluminum, and iron toxicities. The recombinant DNA techniques can speed up the development process too. Throughout the years, there has been an increase in the power of genetic engineering to improve the nutritional quality of our food crop species. A positive note highlights that it can eventually have profound impact for millions of people with deficiencies of vitamin A and iron, causes of blindness and anemia, respectively.
It considered the anti-science crowd to be rather contradicting towards the purpose and aims of GM food, as till date there has been no credible scientific evidence to suggest that the ingestion of transgenic products is injurious to human health or the environment. Thus, what led to the rise of anti-science group? Anti-science group should consider the evidential fact that new technology showed positive impacts too.  More importantly, they should look into the aspects concerning civil societies equity issues related to genetic ownership, control, and access to transgenic agricultural products. It explains that GM is the progressive harnessing of the forces of nature so as to benefit the feeding of human beings.
And lastly, disparity between the poor nations and the affluent nations are still in existence. Ultimately, new technology are more easy in achieving problem of global food security where politicians, educational, religious leaders involved must understand and be prepared for the problems ahead.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

WEEK 6: The BioBusiness Revolution 1: Healthcare and the Biomedical Sciences: Past, Present, Future

WEEK 6:  The BioBusiness Revolution 1: Healthcare and the Biomedical Sciences: Past, Present, Future
Let’s have a brief introduction of what biobusiness revolution is about:
-     Has the potential and will transform our lives and our economies which could be a likely mean for us to achieve a sustainable development.
-     BioBusiness already constitutes over 25% of global GDP and employs some 40% of the world’s labor force.
Now, taking a quick look in the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGr3fq5Ho-I
It shows that the global world today is taking a further step to encourage innovation in the biobusiness industries. A recent major event such as the BIO Business Forum at the 2010 BIO International Convention marks the global platform for biotechnology.
It talks about how today’s society are able to tap globally to be more efficient in exploring partnering options. By capitalizing this advantage of productive, cost-efficient event and open the door opportunities, provides companies to collaborate and discover the next licensing and business development solutions.
Even though biobusiness have been proactive in many countries and still arising, there are keys factors which we have to consider still. For example; how the US healthcare business could actually be a major spender as compared to South Asia, East Asia yet showed no improvements in the bio sector. The failures to create the value add for the need in healthcare and health improvements ultimately faces a huge problem. Thus, tools and technology implementation have to be innovated to create value for the problem rather than just to cover up the problem.
In the class, the readings mentioned lots on the benefits of BioBusiness Industry.
We see that conditions of developing countries today lack even basic public health infrastructure and services – resulting in a large proportion of their populations facing bleak prospects for health and well-being. While modern approaches and technologies have been a potential to radical transforming public health and healthcare for those who previously could not afford such care as well as providing excellent levels of care for those who can afford.

In addition, a key issue is whether the benefits of innovation are rising faster or slower than the costs. It depends on our ability to determine the value of output from the health services sector, and putting a value on a longer life or a higher quality of life is hard to appraise

Pharmaceutical industry in Asia-Pacific market is among the fastest growing markets in the world.
The need for new developments in information and communication technology, and in medical devices for disease and wellness monitoring, create the opportunity to establish innovative service delivery approaches that are more cost-effective and can result in great improvements in health outcomes.
The field of bio-IT requires the cutting-edge information of technology and science to enable scientists to make better sense of the data and information so as to facilitate testing and evaluation of biotech products and their subsequent registration and marketing.

Apart from that, there is a great disparity in terms of privileges rights in terms of originator and innovators. We see that First World industries today are protected by "property systems, IPR," are deem to be clever (inventions). While the livelihoods of indigenous people, such as farmers are considered contributory and maintaining--but not originating. Thus, in most cases, indigenous and traditional societies are given a subordinate status.
Ultimately, there are 2 significant benefits to be realize in the future

• Improved national health, through improved clinical performance and early access to innovative medicine.

• Increased national wealth: enhanced Gross Domestic Product by maintaining and supporting a high growth, high margin, and high value-added, knowledge-based industry.

Lastly, I have found an interesting article regarding “Brain Coprocessors: The need for operating systems to help brains and machines work together” on this website: http://www.technologyreview.com/computing/26329/?p1=Headlines&a=f
Highlights on main points as follows:
-          There has been a surge in invention of technologies that enable the observation or perturbation of information in the brain.
-          It explores for purposes as diverse as lie detection, prediction of human decision making, and assessment of language recovery after stroke.
-          Where is provides a platform in understanding the brain and engineering functions.
-          Therefore, in the future, such system architectures might be capable of very advanced functions such as providing just-in-time information to the brain of a patient with dementia.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Society of today relies heavily on the use of info-communication technologies (ICT). And of course, this is a known fact to all of us. In fact, the world has benefited through the means of ICT. Such drastic change allows us to research on any information all over the world within a short timeframe, know of all the first hand news through mass media as well as enhancing our way of interaction with different forms of communication means. Thus, getting to know information of today is said to be readily available.
I agreed with what Prof. mentioned in class, “Automation of efficient operation magnifies efficiency” and vice-versa. It is definite that this meaning holds truth. But it does not always mean that efficient operation will eventually result high efficiency, low or average efficiency may result in un-circumstances too.
The digital divide, till today such problems exist. Are measures like providing the less needy, un-developed countries with the appropriate ICT knowledge and skills going to be helpful? I would go for this idea. There is a saying which states “give a person a fish and it will fill his stomach, teach a person to fish and it will fill his stomach forever.” Therefore, we should think about the rationale of rather trying to improve the disparity of digital divide, why not solve it. By treating the problem, this enables un-developed countries to adapt to ICT and ride on the benefits of it, moving away from digital divide.
Although ICT can do us good in many ways, still we have to be cautious of the dangers of ICT. There are always pros and cons to every idea that comes along.

Food for Thoughts on readings:
There are many readings and the readings on Cloud computing differentiates itself from the rest.
Having said that, cloud computing has contributed to efficiency in private and public sectors, promoting growth, competition and business creation. Such application allows us to access all our documents from any device anytime anywhere. Goggle doc is one good example. Cloud computing generally saves on huge cost and creates multilateral network effects among businesses. Thus, it certainly have a great impact on the global economy since the use of cloud computing provides huge benefits as compared to traditional use of storage through servers. However, It cloud computing is seen to remain limited for the future years ahead, where it will have significant macroeconomics impact. Ultimately the most fundamental of this IT is the size of its fixed cost savings. All in all, the use of cloud computing definitely has its drawbacks like systematic risk, security and privacy issues, reliability, data governance and lastly the complexity of usage. However, applying cloud computing policies have to be studied in a way to optimize the process of adoption of the new technology and to strengthen its benefits.
Creation of ICT also helps in the pursuing the millennium development goals (MDGs). I feel that government should do something such as to exercise a choice that will secure the future for today’s generation. How do we include ICTs into MDGs agendas?  Basically, ICT can be used to enhance the capacity to monitor, measure, and report on the progress of these goals. It is vital that ICTs too provides a role in development and not just economy growth
Also, the networked world today allows us to bond from one to one, one to all and many to many. Expansion of access to the network provides more powerful human to machine interfaces. Thus, it tells us that today’s centers of information and resources become ever less important.  One important factor we have to consider will be to balance control and freedom of such uses and this leads to the second law of technical change: Expect unexpected effects.
In conclusion, I feel that ICT has more to come with new innovation and creation which will provide much more in the future.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Week 4, Drivers of World change & Change Management and Change leadership

TWC, Week 4, Drivers of World change & Change Management and Change leadership

There are in fact many drivers that can lead to world changes.

Environmental Drivers has been a huge problem in today’s society. Society has been precautious in minimizing pollutions and global warming. However, precautionary actions taken are just treating the problem and not solving the root of the problem. Considering the issue of Global warming; does a reduction in CO2 emissions helps in reduction of such driver? Definitely more applications to the diagnosis of global warming issue have been introduced. Until today, global warming is still a major problem. I feel that society should predict what would be the outcome of the effects of global warming and draft precaution plans to be prepared for the worst since this driver is unstoppable.

Looking at the driver of “Germs”, I find it as an unpredictable driver of world change because it happens just so sudden which catches all of us off guard. Say for example the SAR case where countries all over the world were badly infected and deaths were inevitable.

Dark Ages and plague epidemics

Depicts a story of Roman Empire in the 2nd century A.D. where they were the beacon of learning, trade, power and prosperity in the western world. However, their success was not sustainable. Their Empire came to an end by the 5th century where barbarian warriors came in waves of invasion slaughtering, stealing, and settlement. Because of a changed in culture, Europe had been hit by famine, plague, persecutions, and war constantly resulting no peace.

Ultimately, the Western Europe would rise from the Dark Ages to a level of cultural and political power unseen for a thousand years.

Video of Dark Ages on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhcJpalbFxo

Global Drivers of Change: Their implications for the Zambian Construction Industry.

It shows how Zambian construction industries took a change from the old construction corporation to a brand new construction landscape. Such driver of change has lead to a creation of new market place which provided liberalisation and privatisation programmes and the rise of free market. As such, it created new businesses as well as attracting international financial investment leading to a globalization of its economy.

It can be seen that the key driver was its technological changed. Transformation of Zambian construction industry had created global telephony, satellite communications and video links widely available providing information easily accessible. Thus, it had become a platform for opportunities and challenges for international marketers.

However, to maintain such an industry, it is always crucial to keep implementing and seeking new changes. The continuous of business transformations is therefore inevitable.

Change management and change leadership.

We often discuss how to differentiate managers and leaders.

Managers are the brains of a business – concerned about the business, establish systems, create rules and operating procedures.

Managers – react when it happens.

Leaders are the heart of a business - settle a direction, communicating it to everyone and keeping people motivated when times get tough.

Leadership – leader takes initiative - make it happen, react when it happens.

The article “Directing and Managing Change. Manfred Davidman” shows:

For directing and managing change, it all boiled down to the importance of this 3 rules,

1) Adapting to chance and deciding what needs to be done.

2) Planning ahead, getting results and evaluating progress.

3) Appraisal interviews and target- setting meetings.

Basically it tells us that we have to predict what the likely possible issues (By adapting to Changes) and plan ahead (where we need to forecast and do planning) and then act accordingly (this is where our decision policies and implementing policies have to be certain). Besides all of these, we have to consider the importance of style of management in achieving results too. It plays a role in the effects of relationship between management and workers in producing effective and efficient results to meet the targets.

Ultimately, I feel that all of us have to be proactive in managing change. And yy doing so, the chances of us achieving something great would be higher.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


TWC week 3

To begin with this week’s session, the idea of a linear industrialization had led me to ponder on the past industrialization strategy versus to today’s strategy of a cyclical industrialization. In the past, the use of linear development had a great setback, an opportunity cost. Although it provided us economic well-being, it was at the cost of our environmental well-being; be it pollution, loss of natural recourses, climate changes etc… Because of the failure to take into considerations of these externalities, our society today had created a change. The new creation of a cyclical industrial approach considered the ends and the means of the industrialization process. It took into consideration of the externalities and accounted for, for the environmental impact. This aims to provide a sustainable industrialize development without reducing the options for our future generations.

Our discussions had talked on how the development and application of industrialization had first come about, how industrialization is seen to be an important engine for growth of developing countries today. The idea of “advantages of backwardness” showed me how countries had actually been able be to capitalize on industrialization at the later game to expand its growth much rapidly, efficiently and effectively. For example:

Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea 5%

Malaysia 6%

India and China 12%

In my opinion, I feel that industrialization definitely plays an important role as an engine of growth for countries if not we would not have become what we are today. So ultimately the key factor would be Industrialization and its implications. There will definitely be implications and I must say that even new innovations today will somehow or rather have a negativity impact.

Interestingly, the term aqua-ponics had led to much controversy on its feasibility in the society. I find that this innovation does play an important role in saving the environment, renewing resources to beautify the greenery does sounds great. However, as to reality I feel that the probability of implementing of such innovation might not happen in the near future.

The most memorable part of the class today was the youtube video regarding on the beer advertisement. Although the ultimate goal is for our benefit, yet again, we should look at it in another perspective; if such innovation were to actually exist, what are the drawbacks?

The term Wei Ji in mandarin means when there is danger, there will be opportunities. Thus, another point to note: “Great dangers bring about immense opportunities”.

Invention, the first step leading to innovation is always a tough process. Going through validation, marketing strategies may or may not increase your value proposition and thus affecting your level of risk.

Question raised on innovation being technology or market driven? At the end of the day, it all boils down to the organization’s business model. If they are desperate for market share, be more market driven and vice versa.

Lastly, I feel that the way GOOGLE has based their strategies, innovations; corporate culture etc… which has made them so well positioned today is actually something meaningful for our learning platform for all of us to learn.

Friday, August 27, 2010

TWC Week 2

The article on “The Colonial Holocaust and its Legacy” shows how Colonialism had served primarily to shape the foundation of today’s society, of which today’s international political and economic structures became the result of colonial history. We were introduced to a new term called “Euro – centric”, it simply means the law that was passed down from Europe.

Next the theory of “The rising star and the falling star” truly tells us how industries as well as countries will either be a rising or falling dominant player through their operation attitudes. That if a company were to close itself up from learning from others, it will lose out eventually. In reality, the prediction of China becoming the next world players could be seen arising. I feel that besides China, the next rising star would be India too.

The idea on firms becoming more socially networked seems to be happening even as I write my journal, because if friend’s referral is already accepted as a mean to recruitment, what’s more for firms to become more socially networked. I agree that firms may soon be socially networked, as most of the people, has many social networked accounts be it LinkedIn or Facebook etc… even I myself have to admit that I too have these accounts.

Many new terms was introduced on America’s world military superiority. It shows how America was able to maintain its military power throughout the years. What caught my attention was that the difference on military planes already considered “old” used by America and how Singapore purchased F-15 (consider new) but was actually older. This definitely shows a great contrast in terms of their military superiority.

If we ever wonder how “Human Development Index” is was actually measured? It basically means the 3 qualities – Health (life expectancy), Income (cost of living) and GDP (gross domestic product). Does this actually measure humans’ qualities of life? Certain it does to a certain extent, however Prof too mentioned Happiness, a very important quality to everyone of us

So how do individuals maximized their own potential? I feel that the Idea of it lies in each individual themselves. I feel that “Singularities and Nightmares”, how extremes of optimism and pessimism about the human future, that everything is changing. The future is unknown but predictable.

The video on millennium development goals, with questions on “what if...”, it tells us rather than waiting for things to happen,  all of us as individuals should stop and thinking. If every one of us could just contribute a little and work together, we could actually achieve the goals and overcome the problems.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

TWC - Session 1

To begin with our first class, Dr Shahi gave us a short briefing on technology and world change. When we say technology and world change, most of our first thought in mind would be IT (Information Technology). However, the principle does not mainly revolves fundamentally on IT, it too involves our everyday transportation, buildings, medical welfare and many other more that we can think of.

From our introduction, I have have picked out some issues that I remembered of as follows:

1) “ how advancement of medical benefits (Bio- technology) is able to benefit everybody and changed their lifes enabling them to have a better lifestyle, through new research of drug for a particular symptom. “

2) “how Information Technology modifies our everyday lifestyle; through the uses of internet resources like facebook, MSN, SKYPE as well as gadgets like I Phones. Helps us to connect to friends and family from all around the world”

3) “How the company’s aircrafts systems are improved to provide more efficient and effective usage; for eg. Having a computerize system to detect engine failure in its early stages during flight so as safety measures could be taken.

4) “How Japan is by far the most efficient and effective in terms of their own technologies as compared to the rest of the world.

After hearing all the thoughts from my classmates, It really keeps my mind going to think of what I really knew about technology and world change, and ultimately just a vague aspect of it. And this spur me to want to know more.

Apart from these, our attention was brought to this sentence: “Technology is Easy, People are Hard”. It tells us that creating new technology can be easy or to understand technology can is easy, however, people on the other hand it is hard to change mindsets. For e.g. when people developed a habit for a current technology so suitable for themselves, they might not even consider taking on new technology (Use of writing materials VS typing on laptops).

Besides that, four learning issues of technology and world change was talk about; Information and Communications Technology, Life Science and BioBusiness-related technologies , Energy and Industrial Production Technologies and Emerging Technologies (including nanotechnology, robotics, other exciting technology areas).

Next, we covered on : Technology and the Rise of Civilizations: Historical Timeline and Technology “Revolutions”

We have discussed on how Some Revolutionary Developments in Human History had came about.

Besides that we watched a video regarding Guns, Germs and Steel which showed us how civilization and technology changes overtime, an example was the an example was the usage of guns between china and U.S, where china discontinued the use of guns while U.S took the idea of guns usage to their advantage.
As well as the very vivid questions that the new guinean asked: “why u white people have so much cargos and we black people do not”, most of us agreed that because of the new guinean culture and the environment that they are in inhibits them from the whites who are more developed even though new guinean they themselves have the abilities to pick up skills fast.

Key take away points:

1) In our everyday life, we are living in exponential time. This means that we are already unknowingly  living in   future time, for e.g. “preparing our students for jobs that didn’t exist yet”

2) “Technology is Easy, People are Hard”.

Issues for futher discussion:

Are we humans’ a player of technology or have we unknowingly become a tool of technology in this society. Often it seems like humans are the ones developing new technologies like electronic gadgets, faster transportations, etc., but haven’t we humans relied heavy on such technologies to keep our lives ongoing. If we were to ever consider these available technologies taken away from us, what would really become of us?
Well, for me I feel that we are both a player and a tool of technology in many ways which plays a big part in changing our future lifestyle as well as its impact of the world.
Personal Ratings for Session:

In my opinion, the session was enjoyable after all. I will rate the session 8/10. Higher rating the next time round if more videos could be shown during class!